
How does the virtual tour work?

Navigate around the tour by clicking on the arrows and roundels.

Find out more information about items of special interest and listen to relevant audio clips by selecting the information pop-ups (‘i‘ icon)

View high-resolution zoomable images by clicking on the magnifying glass icons.

A menu icon is at the top left of the screen. Click on individual options to select different areas of the church.

The icon at the bottom right allows you to view the tour in full screen.

For a floorplan, click on the icon near the bottom right of the screen and then on the locations marked.

Use the audio icon to turn the soundtrack on or off in the 360° photography. The soundtrack will automatically stop when you open an information pop-up and start again when you close the pop-up.

Use the video icon to choose from a selection of video clips about the church.

There is a special icon towards the back of the nave and north aisle to see St Magnus’s famous model of old London Bridge in 3D. You can navigate this in either Orbit Mode or First Person Mode.

·         Orbit Mode (default): rotate around a fixed camera point. Double-clicking anywhere on the model sets the camera pivot point to that spot.

·         First Person: walk through space and look around. Use ↑,←,↓,→ (or W,A,S,D) for zoom in, move left, zoom out, and move right.

Please note that Internet Explorer does not support all of the features in this tour and you are therefore recommended to use a different browser.

What video clips can I see?

Three videos have been made especially for this virtual tour:

1. Demonstration by John Eady of St Magnus’s historic organ
2. Organ improvisation by John Eady between the end of the Gospel and start of the sermon
3. Low Mass in the Lady Chapel

What audio recordings can I find in the information pop-ups?

The organist and choir and St Magnus have recorded a number of tracks for this tour. The following audio recordings can be found in the pop-ups:

1. Organ Voluntary in A major by Henry Heron (organist of St Magnus from 1762 to 1795) played by John Eady (the current organist of St Magnus)
2. Final bars of the Toccata from Symphony No. 5 by Charles-Marie Widor (1844 – 1937) played by John Eady
3. Organ improvisation by John Eady
4. Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen) sung to plainsong (Simple Tone)
5. Communion anthem A Mhanuis Mo Ruin (O Magnus of my love) by David Pearson
6. Psalm 116 from Coverdale’s Psalter sung to a Double Chant in E major by John Robinson (organist of St Magnus from 1712 to 1762)
7. Hymn tune St Magnus by Jeremiah Clarke with descant composed by John Eady (also used in the introductory video)
8. Gloria from Louis Niedermeyer’s Mass Number 1 in D major
9. Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven) by Paulo Giorza
10. Ave Maria by Bach/Gounod
11. The bells of St Magnus the Martyr

What spoken word recordings can I find in the information pop-ups?

Jamie Newall, a professional actor with a long career in theatre, film and television, has recorded the following works which can be found in the pop-ups:

  1. Extract from TS Eliot’s The Waste Land
  2. Extract from Dickens’s Oliver Twist 
  3. An account of Sir Christopher Wren’s rebuilding of St Magnus the Martyr
  4. Pepys’ Diary entry for Sunday 2 September 1666
  5. Extract from the Orkneyinga Saga – the martyrdom of St Magnus
  6. Extract from George MacKay Brown’s novel St Magnus
  7. John Hooker’s account of Miles Coverdale’s last sermon in St Magnus
  8. Eye-witness account of the exhumation and reinterment of Miles Coverdale

What subjects do the information pop-ups cover?

  1. Tower/lantern
  2. Stones from old London Bridge
  3. Clock
  4. Lead planter
  5. Vestry House
  6. Parish boundary marks
  7. Old London Bridge plaque
  8. Bells
  9. Narthex
  10. Fire engine
  11. Ionian columns
  12. Churchwardens’ pews
  13. Model of old London Bridge (with 3D virtual reality scan)
  14. Russian icon of ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Succour’
  15. Stations of the Cross
  16. Circular stained glass windows in north aisle
  17. Lady Chapel
  18. Statue of ‘Our Lady of Walsingham’
  19. 18th century sword rest
  20. Communion rails
  21. High altar and reredos
  22. Pulpit
  23. Memorials to Miles Coverdale
  24. Christ the King altar and original Holy Table
  25. Stained glass windows in south aisle
  26. Statue of St Magnus of Orkney
  27. Benefaction boards
  28. Font
  29. Organ gallery
  30. Crypt and parish monument at Brookwood Cemetery
  31. Robert Preston’s tombstone

What high-resolution ‘zoomable’ stills can I see?

  1. High Altar and reredos
  2. Lady Chapel altar
  3. Christ the King altar
  4. Pulpit
  5. Organ gallery

What background music is used in the tour?

Outside the church: The bells of St Magnus the Martyr
Narthex/Nave/Aisles: Organ Voluntary in A major by Henry Heron
Lady Chapel/Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham: Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen) sung to plainsong (Simple Tone)
Sanctuary: Gloria from Louis Niedermeyer’s Mass Number 1 in D major
Christ the King altar/Coverdale memorials: Psalm 116 from Coverdale’s Psalter sung to Robinson’s Double Chant in E major

Where can I find out more information about the church?

Read this article on Wikipedia:
St Magnus-the-Martyr – Wikipedia

How can I donate to the church?

Select the donations icon to make an online donation.

How can I contact the church?

The Rector of St Magnus the Martyr is Fr Philip Warner, who can be contacted at:
St Magnus the Martyr
Lower Thames Street

Tel: 020 7626 4481 or, from outside the UK, +44 20 7626 4481

E-mail: or